
Showing posts from March, 2015

Computer Agents

What is computer agents? A computer agent is a computer system that is capable of independent action on behalf of user or owner. Which mean that it able to figuring out what needs to be done to satisfy the design objectives rather than constantly being told.Which mean that the computer agent able to make decision by it own to achieve the design objective. What make computer agent to become agent is because their capable to a cting independently , exhibiting control over their internal state which another word to explain is autonomous . So Computer Agent is a computer system that is able to make action autonomously in some environment in order to meet its design objectives. Computer Agent There can be 2 kind of agent which are: Trivial (non-interesting) agents- Agents like thermostat that control heating system in houses. Intelligent agent-is a computer system that capable of flexible autonomous action in some environment.By flexible we mean: Reactive Pro-active ...

Eclipse JADE Plugin

JAVA Agent DEvelopment Framework (JADE) JADE is know as the JAVA Agent DEvelopment which is a framework for computer agent for java language. It make the multi-agent system more simple through a middle-ware that is using the FIPA specification and include set of graphical tools to support debugging and deployment. The system that is based on the JADE could be distributed across machines even not the same Operating system and all the configuration could be done via a remote GUI. The JADE is using Java which the minimal system requirement is the Java JDK 5.0. JADE is a framework and it do not have any plugins for the eclipse but you can add JADE manually into the java project. All you need to do is let the jar file of jade add into the libraries and changes some default setting. The step are show below with picture on install JADE into eclipse. 1.Create a project with any name, then click next . 2. After click next, you will come to this page then you click the L ibraries...

Set jquery toggle function default is hide

How to set the Jquery toggle function is hide in default? This is quite easy, there are few method: First  is adding the style display:none on the element like:      <p style="display:none;"> Second method is using the Jquery hide() function: all you need to do is to add the  $("#details").hide(); in front of the click function $(document).ready(function(){     $("#details").hide();     $("#clickin").click(function(){         $("#details").toggle();     });   }); so the element that have the id called details will hide in the beginning. Hope help! =D

Google code shutdown on 2016

Farewell to Google Code The Google code will shutdown on the next year end of January. They urges the developer to migrate the open source projects from Google Code to GitHub. You all can start migrating the project to github because start from 12 March 2015 there will be no more new project creation. Then at August 24 2015 , the site only can read only but you still can checkout/view project source, issues and wikis.On 25 January 2016, the hosting service will closed. however you still able to download a tarball of project source, issues and wikis until end of 2016. Google code also provide solution on how to migrate the project to others providers like GitHub and Bitbucket, and SourceForge. They even provide the tool to help you all to move the project to the corresponding provider. fetch from :

Ongoing trends have marked the history of computing

There are 5 ongoing trends have marked the history of computing which are : Ubiquity Continual reduction in cost of computing capability The processing power become more and more common. Interconnection Computer system are not stand alone , but connected into distributed system Example are internet Distributed and concurrent systems have become norm Intelligence Complexity of tasks about automating and delegating able do by the computer. Delegation Computer able to do some decision without human intervention computers have the power to decide even safety critical tasks. Example: fly-by-wire aircraft because the machine judgement may be trusted more than an experienced pilot. Human-Orientation the View during programming is more toward human rather than machine-oriented . implementation software in terms of higher-level which are more human oriented and abstractions.