
Showing posts from January, 2017

Step to Configure Php and Apache at windows

Configure PHP and Apache windows 10  This configuration guide is using Php 5.6 and Apache 2.4 for 32 bit on windows 10x64. I do this installation because of Laravel PHP framework but this guide won't touch about the Laravel. There some binaries that you might need to take care but I not gonna touch that at here either. If any question you can leave your comment below. 1) DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL APACHE  First, you will need to download apache, and I gonna use Apache Haus as an example. However, you can use others options here . after you finish download then extract it. After that go to  httpd-2.4.25-x86-vc14\Apache24\conf and open the  httpd.conf . (Assume you an expert ... else go leave here and download XAMPP or Easyphp) Then find "Server root" Define SRVROOT "D:\Program\httpd-2.4.25-x86-vc14\Apache24" ServerRoot "${SRVROOT}" Replace the  "D:\Program\httpd-2.4.25-x86-vc14\Apache24"   to your director of the apache...