Step to Configure Php and Apache at windows
Configure PHP and Apache windows 10 This configuration guide is using Php 5.6 and Apache 2.4 for 32 bit on windows 10x64. I do this installation because of Laravel PHP framework but this guide won't touch about the Laravel. There some binaries that you might need to take care but I not gonna touch that at here either. If any question you can leave your comment below. 1) DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL APACHE First, you will need to download apache, and I gonna use Apache Haus as an example. However, you can use others options here . after you finish download then extract it. After that go to httpd-2.4.25-x86-vc14\Apache24\conf and open the httpd.conf . (Assume you an expert ... else go leave here and download XAMPP or Easyphp) Then find "Server root" Define SRVROOT "D:\Program\httpd-2.4.25-x86-vc14\Apache24" ServerRoot "${SRVROOT}" Replace the "D:\Program\httpd-2.4.25-x86-vc14\Apache24" to your director of the apache...