Internet Protocol (IP) address
What is Internet Protocol (IP) address?
IP address is a wordwide number that associated with one particular workstation or server. All computer or server must have Unique IP address in order to receive or send packet directly across the internet.The Ip address are base on where station is connected.IP addresses are not controlled by a single organization - address ranges are assigned.They are like phone numbers – they get reorganized once in a great whileDon't really understand? It was just like street address or phone number to determines the recipient of a letter/,essage (in internet are called as packet) is used to identify computers on the internet.
There are two version of Internet protocol, which are Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
IPv4 is only 32 bit which only have 4 967 296 (232) address because they can't predict there would be huge amount of people using the internet in the future. Therefore they come out with another version of IP which are IPv6 that increasing from 32bit to 128 bit which can have 3.403×1038 (2128).
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