Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) also known as Transport Protocol. TCP is one of the two original components of the suite, complementing the Internet Protocol (IP), and therefore the entire suite is commonly referred to as TCP/IP.Transmission Control Protocol is built on top of IP.
Protocol mean the rules in order two devices or more to communicate with each others.In others meaning, Devices with TCP can only communicate with devices equip with TCP. For example like human communication in same using English as Global language then TCP is similar with english!

Function of Transmission Contol Protocol:

It will assume that IP might lose some data ,so it will keep a copy of data and send data to receiver until get an acknowledgement from the receiver. If the data sent is unresposive for too long , the TCP will send it again.

The responsibility of the transport layer is to present a reliable end to-end pipe to the application.The data either arrives in the proper order or the connection is closed.Then TCP keeps buffers in the sending and destination system to keep data which has arrived out of order or to retransmit if necessary.Beside, TCP provides individual connections between applications.

I will not explain too much on here. If you think the information here is not sufficient you can visit the following link: Thank for reading!


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