Internet Explorer 10 (IE10)

Microsoft will be in mid-November launch Windows 7 edition IE10. According to Microsoft previously said the version of IE10 will bring improved fast, smooth experience, as well as Web developers have been seeking additional support standard worth the wait.Internet explorer 10 only support window 7 and window 8.

Microsoft today officially open Windows 7 Edition (Windows Server 2008 R2 users can also be used) IE10 preview download page, it is learned that Windows 7 Edition IE10 SmartScreen and download additional security features as well as the Touch API innovation, while the version of IE10 default to open a "do not track" feature. Generally speaking, Windows 7 Edition IE10 really good. If you interesting to test the ie10 click the link below to visit Microsoft official website.
Download IE10 beta/preview here!

After I download IE 10, the first thing I do is do a google search"do a barrel roll". The result quite disappoint me. The interface of IE10 in window 7 is almost same as the IE9. Just a little different on the password text field which have button to show the password you type.  Another changes that I have noticed is the scroll bar. If you notice any changes also welcome to comment below ! Thank you for reading!

Addition reading for Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers (Windows):


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