Tutorial to set environment path linux

This tutorial is for Linux Distro that using bash in terminal, in my case is Ubuntu. If you just set the PATH just using the "export" command  , it wont able to set it permanently and will disappear after you close the terminal or restart computer.So follow the procedure below to set the PATH permanently.

Jdk-x-x-x at =usr/local/jdk-x-x-x

1) Open the terminal.
2) Type in the command "cd ~"
3) gedit .bashrc
4) Put the command "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/jdk-x-x-x" at the bottom of the .bashrc
5) Save it and exit gedit.
6) then type in the command "source .bashrc"

You can try type java inside the terminal. restart the terminal and try. =D hope it help.


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