How to Write to NTFS Drives on a Mac for free

Free method but need Extra work

1) Download Osxfuse. (Better choose latest version and with dmg Eg,osxfuse-3.2.0.dmg ) Install it.

2) Then Download Homebrew. or copy the the highlighter link and  paste it at terminal
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

3)then paste xcode-select –install  if pop up the itunes alert box then download it, else just continute next step.

4)  brew install homebrew/fuse/ntfs-3g   wait it download finish and installed.

5)   Start from this step, you need to do it with care. First you need to reboot your mac and hold Command+R 

6) Then wait the loading bar to finish will bring you to another Mac utilities screen. Here you need to find the terminal on the top menu bar. Launch it.

7) type in csrutil disable  . (PS: this is to disable the configuration by the macbook to do modification on the system so need to enable it back) .

8) Exit terminal and reboot. After that open terminal and paste the highlighter command 1 by 1.
sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.original
sudo ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs   

9) Reboot again and reboot your mac and hold Command+R 

10) open terminal and type in csrutil enable .

11) close it then is done. Simple . =| meh

IF WANT TO REVERSE it , then just enable the csrutil and then reboot then type in 

sudo rm /sbin/mount_ntfs
sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs.original /sbin/mount_ntfs
brew uninstall ntfs-3g

then reboot and enable csrutil. then is done. 


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