Oneplus 5T Flashing from Hydrogen OS to Oxygen OS

How to Convert Hydrogen OS to Oxygen OS in One plus 5T

I just bought One Plus 5T, Is very easy but it will be hard if you did the wrong thing (that me ).

I have done many mistakes from converting the Hydrogen os to Oxygen os.  But I try to let you all avoid the mistake I have done.

Ok, First download the Oxygen OS from the official website.

(VERY VERY Important) 
After finishing download from the website. Open the PowerShell. 
(Win + R => Type in "Powershell" => Enter)

Then try to locate the zip that you have just download. 

then type in the following in the PowerShell.

Get-FileHash <filepath> -Algorithm MD5

(Replace the <filepath> with the file path of the zip you just download.

Wait the result come out. The value must same as the value of md5 hash show on the website. If not same then redownload the rom.

Then you need to create a hash file and name it as the name of the file "<filename>.md5"


Inside the file put in the MD5 hash and also the filename like below":

Example: "c957c918beb5c75ffef0f80e3eb430a0"

Then the next step would connect your phone to the pc.

(Copy from somewhere) 
1. Place it both the zip and the md5 file in the root folder.

2. Navigate to Settings > System Updates > Settings Icon > Local Upgrade & Select the OTA File

3. Once selected system would prompt upgrade now

4. Select upgrade now and system would reboot in stock recovery and flash the OTA

5. The installer would itself flash the OTA and reboot the device.

The Device will reboot and your OnePlus 5T is now running on the OxygenOS .

PS: The first boot may take some time so keep calm and wait for it to boot.
* After flash is successful go back to recovery and a wipe of cache is recommended. 

Any question can comment below. I will try to answer it .


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