Advance way to speed up computer

 The greatest desire of all owners of a computer is to use it with the greatest possible speed, whether on the Internet, games or just to browse through folders. And no matter if we bought the machine recently, have never been satisfied with the performance presented by the device. 

Often, the sluggishness has an explanation: problems with configuring the modem, too many files taking up memory or a collection of viruses and other applications that cause damage to the machine's functionality. 

Here got plenty of tips on how to improve your connection, eliminating useless files and take care of your hard drive. But many users are not satisfied with only a slight improvement, which can wear off quickly. Check out some advanced tricks and little used (but very effective) to boost the computer now! 

Some tips listed below interfere with folders and processes that are poorly executed, can compromise the use of the computer. Be careful to follow the steps and if you have no security in following them yourself, ask a more experienced user. 

As a precaution, we recommend you create a restore point in Windows before proceeding or make a backup of your files.
The problem of drivers 
The first tip is to uninstall and configure their drivers, the files that connect the system with the hardware installed on your computer. Even after deleting an application or accessory to the PC, they still occupy space. But do not go deleting any one: remove the wrong driver can disable functions and worsen the performance of your computer.

Through the command prompt 

To see what Microsoft drivers are active, run the command prompt as administrator and type "pnputil-e" (without the quotes). If you find something irregular, save the file name extension INF. Now type "pnputil-d [INF file name]" to try to disable it. 

If Windows reports that it is in use, but you are aware that their absence will not affectthe system, force the removal with the code "pnputil-f-d [INF file name]." 

Microsoft drivers installed appear in the command prompt. 

As for removing third-party drivers, run msconfig.exe, go to "Services" and check the "Hide All Microsoft Services". 

Note: which are not useful and Run services.msc to locate them and change the function of each one to "Disable". Restart the machine for the changes to take effect. The drivers that are not from Microsoft. Usually, they are the problem. 

Device Manager 

This option in the Control Panel is also of great help. If a device is faulty, it will be marked with a yellow exclamation point. Double-click it to uninstall it, disable it or try anupdate. 

But when he shows some hidden drivers: for this, right-click "Computer", choose Properties> Advanced System Settings> Advanced> Environment Variables. Select the second "New" button, type in DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES"Variable Name" and 1 for "Variable Value". 

The drivers are usually hidden old accessories that are repeated. 
Now go back to Device Manager and click View> Show hidden devices. Many older drivers will be shown in all the options. To remove them, select them with the right button and go to "Uninstall".


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