Step to become a great web developer

There are many computer language you need to know to become a web developer on the web.
The first language you should learn is Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
Here is the HTML resources:
  1. W3school HTML
  2. Html dog

The second thing you need to learn is Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
If HTML is tell what is your structure of your house and the size of your house then CSS is like wallpaper for your room,what tree you have plant and others!

The W3school also provide a good learning tutorial for you !You can go and check the CSS.
Here is a good tool you can use it for your website.

Anothers programming language you need to learn is JavaScript! JavaScript is a web browser scripting language, all the action will execute within the web Browser.

Recently Google has lunching a new language call Dart !It was the programming language for the JavaScript ! With the Dart platform, you can write code that runs on servers and in modern web browsers. Dart compiles to JavaScript, so your Dart web apps will work in multiple browsers (not just ours).

The Dart platform includes a language, libraries, an editor, a virtual machine (VM) for both servers and browsers, and a compiler to JavaScript. However,Dart is still in preview, so try it out and tell us what you think.

It was very important and you must master the it because it was the only browser script in the world !You can use to enhance the Ajax,JQuery and so on !

After learn Javascript then the next thing you need to learn is PHP or ASP .It was the server base script that run on the server!

And the last thing you need to learn is the SQL the database system,Usually the SQL database is learn together with the server base Script like PHP or ASP So you can find relevant details !

  1. HTML or HTML 5
  2. CSS
  4. PHP/ASP
  5. SQL
This is all you need to become a web developer, if you want to become a great developer you can also learn adobe dreamweaver, AJAX,JQuery and master some programming language like java, c++, C#,Visual Basic ,pearl,Python and others programming language you also need to know some SEO,linux and internet security !

Here is my suggestion of book:



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