Advantages of Parallel Processing

SuperComputer "K computer"

First of all I would like to explain about Parallel Processing! Parallel Processing also known as parallel computing. It was a process or methods to solve two or more computational problems at the same time. The process or instruction is broken to discrete part and runs using multiple Control Unit Processors (CPUs) concurrently.

For example, you and your 3 other friends are asked to do an assignment , in the assignment have 4 question, each of yours team member will answer 1 of the question simultaneously, I will call it as parallel processing !

There are several type of parallel architecture and parallel organization however I won't touched it this post!

Just Advantages:

  1. Save time and cost
    • hi, 7 year old boys and girls, more people solving 1 task will definitely faster than 1 people.
    • The cost bother me =.= || !
  2. Solve Larger Problems
    • You are ask to do 1000 Calculus questions in 1 hour. In facts, I can only do 3 question in 1 hours 
  3. Concurrency
    • Can do many things simultaneously by using multiple computing resources
  4. Non Local resources
    • Can using compute resources on the Wide Area Network(WAN) or even on the  internet.


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