Image search optimization

You can search many image using Search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing. You can gain large number of visitor is your picture is nice and good if you can ranking high.

Here is few important step that can help you optimize your image search ranking.

1. Use most appropriate format(JPEG,GIF,PNG)
  • JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts group)
  • GIF(Graphic interchange Format)
  • PNG(Portable Network graphics)

2. Name the image with appropriate keywords, when applicable.

3. Give Graphic image keyword-based, textual cues.
  • Using keyword caption
  • Description
  • Use alt tag<img src= “xxx” alt= “yyy”>

4. Give search engine easy access to graphic images.
  • Do not place robots exclusion protocol on you graphic-image url
  • Url must less contain ($,=,?,$...)sign

5. Create unique and original graphics images

6. Improve image quality

7. Make sure web pages containing targeted graphic images are fully optimized.

8. Give objective third parties a reason to link to graphic-related content.

Hope my suggestion can help you rank in Search engine, thank for reading and you can find more articles about the search engine optimization.


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