Protocol and standard

Protocol is synonymous with rule.Protocol is a set of rules that govern data communication.A protocol defines what is communicated,how it is communicated,and when it is communications.
The protocol have few key element:
  1. Syntax-The structure or format of the data, the order in which they are presented
  2. Semantics-The meaning of each section bits.
  3. Timing-refers to 2 characteristic: when data should be sent, and how fast they can be sent. 
Standards is agreed-upon rules.Standard provides a model for development that makes it possible for a product to work regardless of individual manufacturer. When no standards,difficulties arise.Data communication standards fall into 2 categories: de facto and de jure.

De facto
Standards that have not been approved by an organized body but have been adopted as standards through widespread use are de facto standards. De facto standards are often established originally by manufacturers who seek to define the functionality of a new product or technology.

De Jure
Those standards that have been legislated by an officially recognized body are de jure standards.


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