Error ORA-12505 oracle sql developer

When try to connect to the local database , you found this message :

Status : Failure -Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

I consider this as error ORA-1250.

In my case ,to solve this problem you need to change the SID "xe" to "e161306" then the problem solved! Then the question come when you try, you may be fail because the SID for mine may differ from yours!

If you have dint change the Connection name , then you will see that there will be some word behind the dash '-', you should key in the word behind into the SID. Like mine is 'e161306'.

How to know your SID?
I think it was quite easy! All you need is open your msconfig if you are using Microsoft windows Operating System.
  1. Start --> run-->type in "msconfig"/ Start --> type in msconfig--> click msconfig.exe
  2. After you open the msconfig, you click the services tab.
  3. Tick hide all microsoft services at the leftbottom.
  4. Then find the service name OracleServicesXXXX (XXXX is your sid)

The words that I circled with red color is the SID ! Make sure you have tick the services to run during start up! For my case , I have 2 SID which is e161306 and orcl.

If you already change your name then I don't know how to help you! Anyone solve please try to leave a comment below! Thank you


  1. You are great sir!!! I wasted a week reading vast internet posts and taking advice from geeks! nothing worked!!
    I just accidently bumped into your post, it worked!! woohoo!! gonna help my friends tomorrow.You are Great!!


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